Content Rules – The New Rules of Social Media

Autoren: C. C. Chapman und Ann Handley
Verlag: John Wiley + Sons
Seiten: 320
Auflage: 2. Auflage. Revised and Updated
Veröffentlicht: 08.06.2012
Sprache: Englisch
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Kostenlose Preview: ContentRulesBook.Com


“How to create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) that Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business”

So steht es auf dem Cover und ich kann euch verraten: Genau das steckt auch drin! Noch nie zuvor habe ich ein so gutes Buch über Marketing gelesen. Ich hatte des Öfteren den Drang, das Werk beiseite zu legen und sofort an den PC zu gehen, um die tollen Ideen umzusetzen!

What is Content and what can it do for you?
– Attract customers
– Educate your buyers about a purchase they are considering
– Establish your credibility, trust, and authority in your industry
– Tell your story
– Build buzz via social networks
– Build a base of fans and inspire customers to love you.
– Inspire impulse buys

Dieses Buch geht über die Aussage “Content is King” hinaus und beantwortet folgende Fragen:
1. “Was ist guter Content und wie kann ich damit meine Verkäufe steigern?”
2. “Wie kreiere ich guten Content”?

Die “Content Rules” lauten wie folgt:

– Embrace that you are a publisher
You most likely already have, because you bought this book.

– Insight inspires Originality
Know yourself better than anyone. Get your brand story straight and give voice to your distinctive point of view based on your mission and attributes. Know your customers, too, as well as what keeps them up at night. What are their concerns and objectives? What do they care about? How will your brand help them in their daily lives?

– Build Momentum
Why are you creating? Good content always has an objective; it’s created with intent. It therefore carries triggers to action.

– Speak Human
Communicate your brand mission, values, and philosophy in simple terms, using the language of your customers. Speak in a conversational tone, with personality, empathy, and true emotion. Kill corporate-speak, buzz-words, and other language that makes you sound like a tool.

– Reimagine / Don’t Recycle
Recycling is an afterthought; good content is intentionally reimagined, at its inception, for various platforms and formats.

– Share or Solve, Don’t Shill
Good content doesn’t try to sell. Rather, it creates value by positioning you as a reliable and valuable source of vendor-agnostic information. Your content shares a resource, solves a problem, helps your customer do their jobs better, improves their lives, or makes them smarter, wittier, better looking, taller, better networked, cooler, and more enlightened, and with better backhands, tighter asses, and cuter kids. In other words, it’s high value to your customer, in whatever way resonates best with them.
– Show, Don’t just Tell
Good content doesn’t preach or hard-sell. Instead, it shows how your product lives in the world. It demonstrates through case studies or client narratives how your customers use your products or services and explains in human terms how it adds value to their lives, eases their troubles, and meets their needs. Good content is not about storytelling; it’s about telling a good story well.

– Do Something Unexpected
There’s no business like show business, right? Occasionally adding an element of surprise to your content both drives viral sharing and enhances your company’s personality. (Business-tobusiness (B2B) companies, we’re looking at you.)

– Stoke the Campfire
Like a good campfire, good content sparks interaction and ignites conversation between you and your customers, and among your customers themselves, in the social sphere

– Create Wings & Roots
This advice is usually applied to parenting (give your children roots to keep them grounded and wings to explore new worlds). But it applies to content nicely, too: ground your content solidly in ur unique perspective and point of view but give it wings to soar freely and be shared across social platforms, all over the web.

– Play To Your Strengths
You don’t have to create everything and publish everywhere; you don’t have to do it all inclusively – create killer blogs and podcasts and white papers and webinars and ebooks and puppet shows and whatever else you can imagine. You don’t have to do all of that. But you have to do some things – and, at the very last, one thing – really, really well.

Dies sind also die Content-Regeln die auf den darauf folgenden Seiten im Buch genauer beschrieben werden. Hier habe ich gelernt, wie man sich einen Publishing-Plan macht und Dinge auflistet, die man täglich veröffentlicht, wöchentlich, monatlich usw. und wie man es schafft, stetig guten Content zu produzieren. Ich habe auch gelernt, Content zu produzieren, wenn es “nichts zu sagen” gibt und auch, wie man einen Blogpost schreiben muss, um möglichst viele Leser zu finden.

Um mich kurz zu fassen:
Wer Marketing übers Internet betreibt, um damit neue Käufer zu finden, muss dieses Buch gelesen haben!



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